Clumber Spaniel League Victoria


est September 1997     A0043710M     VCA 3100017862
[email protected]

What is a Clumber Spaniel …

The adult male Clumber weighs about 32kg and is about  50cm at the shoulder. The girls weigh less and are shorter.

The coat is a double coat, and the breed sheds twice a year, the heavier shed is in summer, but many owners niotice small hair loss throughout the year and as it is white coat it will show up on most surfaces, so groom your dog and clean your house regularly.

The dogs have heavy, thick set bone that requires quality puppy nutrition for longer periods than slender legged breeds and also a different type of exercise.

The adults require free running exercise twice a day.

Most Clumbers have a reliable and generous attitude, but this is moulded by how they are raised and treated by their families. They have long memories and dislike drill style training, but love and blossom on small challenges building on past learned skills.

They can bark but are not a noisy breed – in most cases.

You can and should expect a good 12 years of active life, puppy behaviour will reappear even then!

Clumber Spaniel League Victoria

The structure of our overseeing body the Australian National Kennel Council requires three plus states to have breed clubs before a National/Australian breed club can be formed from these clubs.

  Clumber Spaniel League Victoria was formed in 1997 to promote and protect the Clumber Spaniel. Members are advocates of good health and breeding practices, please feel welcome to review our Statement of Purposes and Code Of Practice and Ethics
If you are a Facebook member, you can follow our news on our Facebook group ... you don't even have to be a financial member to do this, because we love Clumbers and want to share the fun with you!​    

Contact Details

Victoria, VIC, Australia
Email : [email protected]

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